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Writer's pictureIsabelle

I Met The Champion Of Dreams

Hi friends, how are you?

I met her! The champion of dreams, Terri Savelle Foy. What a joy and honor to meet her in person at a conference not too far away from where I live. And what a joy and honor to be there with my sweet and generous friend who invited me the day before! And I said yes. My friend probably wants to remain anonymous, but I love that she is doing new things that are out of her regular routine and invited me to come along! Have you been there? You wonder if you should do this thing, and you talk yourself out of it, just because it's new and uncomfortable? I find myself there many times.

So one thing I took away from Terri's talk was discipline. Daily discipline. Do I want to finish that book I started? Do I want to start exercising? Do I want to get my house organized? A debt paid? A project done? Put it on your calendar.

She had many many good points. Among them :

  • have a vision

  • write it down

  • review your goals

  • have the vision in front of you

  • get focused

  • have daily reminders

  • don't tell your big dreams to people with little dreams

  • plant seeds

October is mental health awareness month. I can't think of a better way to get mentally healthy than by having a dream about your future that gets you out of the hamster wheel of your past.

PS: Message me for a free consult to start making your own dream become a reality.

You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.

Until next time, Isabelle

Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246


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