Hi friends,
how are you?
I was listening to a podcast by Kathy Caprino called Finding Brave. I also met with a lady who cured her cancer with natural oil blends in a holistic way. I've met with clients who have found their brave and those who still need to find it. My brave this year is
signing up with the chamber of commerce for a speakers league
hosting webinars online
watching one daughter graduate high-school and trusting her future
watching another daughter get married and letting go
planning a vacation to honor our 30 year wedding anniversary and braving more growth
What is your's ?
What does brave mean for you?
For most of us women, one brave thing we need to do is speak up.
Speak up when it's enough. Speak up when you need something. Speak up and say no. Speak up and put your needs first.
I asked my daughter sitting next to me what brave means to her.
She said:
"Doing something that you didn't think you could do."
I like that.
Remember Piglet and Christopher Robin? And how Piglet was so afraid of ice skating?
Christopher Robin convinced him that he can do it with his magic ear muffs.
And Piglet stepped unto the ice.
So we are either Piglet or Christopher Robin. Maybe one day we are Piglet, and the next we are Christopher Robin.
Being scared and finding our brave. Or seeing a friend being scared and infusing her with brave.
What is your brave? Who is your Christopher Robin?
Let me be your Christopher Robin and infuse you with brave for whatever task you need.
PS: Message me for a free consult to start finding your brave.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
Call or write for a free life coaching consultation
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