Hi Friends,
This week I was inspired by something I heard on a podcast interview. It stuck with me because it aligns so perfectly with what I believe.
Here is the phrase: Courage is fear plus one step.
Courage is Fear Plus One Step: Breaking Barriers in Business and Life
Fear is sneaky. It shows up right when we’re about to do something new, something big. It tells us to stay put, to avoid rocking the boat, to wait until we feel “ready.” But here’s the truth—courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s fear plus one step forward. That single step is what separates staying stuck from discovering what’s possible.
And trust me, I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to stand on the edge of a big decision, heart pounding, wondering if I have what it takes. Whether it’s business or life, fear is always part of the equation—but so is courage.
Taking the Leap in Business: The Fear of Growth
When I started my business, I had no idea how much fear would come along for the ride. Fear of failing. Fear of succeeding. Fear of asking for what I was worth. You are probably familiar with that fear if you have a business. Fear of hiring the wrong person. Fear of delegating because, well, what if they didn’t do it your way? Every step forward felt like I was breaking through another invisible barrier.
But I learned something: growth in business doesn’t happen without stepping into the discomfort. You might be in a situation where you are wondering if you should ask for that raise; you might be afraid of hiring (or firing) the right team members, rebranding, scaling—it all requires making decisions before you feel fully prepared. I had to learn to trust myself, to take that next step even with doubt in my head and butterflies in my stomach. And you know what? Every time I did, I got stronger.
Starting Over: The Newness of Life’s Next Chapter
Some barriers we break are ones we never expected to face. When my marriage ended after three decades, life suddenly felt... different. Not bad, not even necessarily sad—just new. The mornings felt different, my routine shifted, and for the first time in a long time, every choice I made was entirely mine.
At first, that kind of change can feel unsettling. So much of life had been built around a shared existence, and now I was rediscovering what I wanted, how I wanted to spend my days, and what life could look like moving forward. But with every step, I realized that this wasn’t just an ending—it was a beginning. And like anything new, it came with a mix of uncertainty and possibility.
Finding My Way: Creating New Family Traditions
One of the biggest shifts after a major life change is realizing that you’re no longer tied to the way things used to be. Holidays, birthdays, Sunday mornings—everything had a familiar rhythm for so long, but now I had the space to decide what I wanted those moments to look like.
So I started creating new traditions. Some were small, like changing how I spent my mornings or celebrating milestones in a way that felt personal and meaningful. Others were bigger, like reimagining holidays in a way that reflected this new season of my life. It wasn’t always easy, and sometimes I had to remind myself that just because something was different, it didn’t mean it was wrong. It was just mine.
Fear Will Always Be There—But So Will Courage
Whatever barrier you’re facing right now—whether it’s in business, relationships, or just figuring out what comes next—fear is going to show up. That’s a given. But it doesn’t mean you’re not ready. It just means you’re at the edge of something important.
So take the step. Ask for the raise. Set the boundary. Start the business. End the thing that no longer fits. Begin the thing that excites you.
Courage is just fear, plus one step.
And I promise, you’re stronger than you think.
This week's affirmation:
I am taking the next step forward.
So where can you move forward one step? Please share your courageous steps with me. Who knows, maybe they'll make it into the next blog?
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,

Call or write for a free life coaching consultation