Hi friends, what did you implement last week? I took this picture late summer in NC, knowing that I wouldn't have the color change down here in Florida. Nature teaches us that letting go is just part of it all. This afternoon, I let go of: "You have to finish this newsletter in one sitting." I let go and let myself rest for a while. I am also learning to let go of unnecessary suffering. As in being a martyr. We don't have to be martyrs. We really don't.
Have you been taught, as a young girl, that being a wife and becoming a mother would be the most important job in the world? That the more you suffer the better of a Christian you are?
I think the mom part is true. Considering that we are raising the next generation and teaching them values and beliefs.
I love being a mom.
And then in my 40's, I learned that I'm a much better mom and altogether better human being, when I stop being in suffering mode. Suffering as in :
inviting the new kid to your kids birthday party because you are kind, but neither your child nor the rest of the party liked it
always considering other's needs first and forgetting about myself because I am a servant
not taking time to meet with just friends, just because
always doing what's hard because you believe that's God's will for your life
not taking enough days off to just be with the kids and have fun cause duty was calling
not saying what you need or want or don't want
I thought this is what it was supposed to be.
Below is an excerpt from Jody Moore that resonates this very well. We must have been on the same wave length:) she says: But I was wrong.
I was wrong about so many things.
I was wrong in the heaviness I had created around my role as a mom and wife.. I decided to believe that I can love my kids fiercely and not be defined by my role as a mom.
I decided to embrace that I was going to be good at parts and terrible at parts of this job as it goes.
I decided to allow myself to be fully me and not try to pretend to be the martyr.
I realized if I don't fulfill myself I'll never be as good of a mother as I could be.
I understood I don't ever have to play on the floor with my toddlers and we might all be better off as a result.( I ,Isabelle happened to love that part of being a mom)
I choose to define myself and my role as a mom for myself instead of how the world told me to define it.
I'm so glad I figured that out when I did.
Jody, I agree and I myself let go of some beliefs that freed me up to enjoy life to its fullest. Isn't that the godly way? What made me a better mom and human, was deciding to stop suffering unnecessarily. I still cry, but more so for happy moments. I am very intentional about setting goals and following my dreams. And here's the good part: My children and all those around me will benefit from it. They know I will always support them, always. But it is so much better to do this with a servant heart that is full of joy and dreams. Not a servant heart that is putting herself down and being invisible. Fulfilling my dreams will benefit them in so many ways. No-one likes a martyr. What unnecessary suffering are you going to let go of? Imagine the heaviness dissipating.
Need help? Message me.
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time, Isabelle
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