Hi friends, how are you? We are all struggling these days. Covid has changed a lot of our daily routines. Some lost jobs. Some have kids at home to school. And those kids are struggling. Today I just want to point out 8 things I have learned from my children. Above is a picture of them and their spouses and boyfriends. The 14 year old will have to wait a little till we can add a girlfriend in his picture :) They taught me
to be authentic -not to be a hypocrite
to listen -really listen
to be aware of my stuckness - it magnified what I needed work on
to respect them - not the other way around
to train them in the way they should go -not the way I have for them
to support them - be on their team
to let go of control - and to focus on relationship
to live my dream- so they can live theirs
See above link for a 12 minute video on those 8 points.
When you are in a good place, then you can support your children through their struggles.
Need help connecting with your child? Message me.
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
Isabelle Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246 Isabellestephensoncoach@gmail.com