Hi friends, how are you? When you read this, I will be on my way to drive Katia to college. My 4th child. Before you say:" Good for you. Mine doesn't know what to do with her life yet!" , hold on for a second. She is my 4th child and my first one to decide to go for a 4 year degree. So bear with me. I am thrilled and excited for her. She is probably more thrilled and excited then me! Four of my children are young adults now. And they have all chosen different ways. And that's OK, Is it OK with you that your high school graduate is not going to college? Or not going to the college of YOUR choice? Or not going for the major of your choice? Have you allowed your child to make choices that you don't agree with? We have to do that if we want to see them make choices that we do agree with. They have to learn to make decisions . And they learn how? By making decisions. And you are there to listen, and support. Katia has switched her major for example.With her former choice I was all excited about and could picture her doing that profession. With her new major, its not a clear cut definition of what she will do. She has more options though and it totally aligns with her. And I want that for sure. Find out what your teen/young adult likes. Get curious . And get to know your young adult. It's never too late. Need help with your teen? Message me for a free call. It would be an honor .
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward more peaceful parenting.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time, Isabelle Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246 Isabellestephensoncoach@gmail.com